Monday, December 14, 2009

A Hard Days Night

ToyCamera/PhotoForge on iPhone
click on thumbnail to view larger image

TiltShiftGen/PhotoForge on iPhone
click on thumbnail to view larger image

TiltShiftGen/PhotoForge on iPhone
click on thumbnail to view larger image

TiltShiftGen/PhotoForge on iPhone
click on thumbnail to view larger image

Here's a few more photos I've accumulated throughout the past 2 weeks, all shot and digitally manipulated using the iPhone 3GS and iPhone apps. I'm noticing that the iPhone's preview image is quite off compared to when viewed on a computer monitor. Contrast and saturation levels are the main issues. This resulted in a bit of back and forth, manipulating the images using the PhotoForge app to get the desired look.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Camera/TiltShiftGen/PhotoForge on iPhone
click on thumbnail to view larger image

Paper pipe robots. More fun with the iPhone, this time to test out the "TiltShiftGen" app. This app attempts to simulate the optical effect of a Toy Camera (film Box Camera). There are some interesting filters which can be applied such as the shallow depth of field and a border vignette. There's also another app called the "ToyCamera" which has more presets for color tinting but doesn't allow for much control over the bluring or vignette. In this case I would prefer to use "TiltShiftGen" and adjust the colors in "PhotoForge". I know this all sounds horrible considering I have a SLR camera which I enjoy using, but considering the fact that I'm using an iPhone 3GS I'm really interested in what the hardware along with the apps can do as a whole.