Monday, February 14, 2011


McBRAiiiiiiiNS - Photograph Nikon D60 w/18-200mm Nikkor Lens
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McBRAiiiiiiiNS - digital illustration (Adobe Illustrator)
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Pen & liquid whitout on paper
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My Thought Processor paper toy colorway from sketch to the final folded product. I had a lot of fun working on this piece. It's not meant to be a social commentary or anything. I just find Ronald McDonald kinda creepy...

Ron Zombie

Pen, marker & liquid whiteout on paper. 11" x 14"
click on thumbnail to view larger image

Submitted piece for the Thought Processor show at Camion de Pompier from now, untill March 12th.

And Red All Over

step 4: Pen, marker & liquid whiteout on paper (unfinished)
click on thumbnail to view larger image

What's a zombie clown without blood? The reds balanced out the blacks pretty well. Plus I needed it for the Ronald McDonald vibe.

Black & White

step 3: Pen, marker & liquid whiteout on paper (unfinished)
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step 2: Pen & marker on paper (unfinished)
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Worked out the blacks and came in with a Pentel fine point correction pen for detailing.

Marker base

step 1: Pen & marker on paper (unfinished)
click on thumbnail to view larger image

For the illustration portion of my Thought Processor submission, I decided to work in pen and liquid whiteout on 100lbs hot compress watercolor paper. Starting with a loose base marker sketch using a Letraset Promarker cool grey, before going in with a fine tip Sharpie.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Thought Process on the Thought Processor

Pen & liquid whiteout on paper
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Pen & liquid whiteout on paper
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Pen & liquid whiteout on paper
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Here are a few sketches I had made to prep for the Thought Processor show currently at Camion de Pompier. Thought Processor is a project created by Phoneticontrol with Sjors Trimbach's paper toy model. Having made a showing around the states including Ney York City, San Francisco, L.A., Seattle and Chicago. This will be the only showing in Canada.