finishing touches

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This is step 5, as well as the final run for this piece. I worked out the left arm and hand, but decided not to put many crisp details so to not distract from the intended focal point, which is the face. As discussed in the previous entry comments, after posting I had felt that the piece was starting to look a little too "academic". Or as Anthony had put it "dull". Decided to add color as was suggested, bringing in a reflective light cast from the right. Although it does give the piece a more "illustrated" feel, I do think that it adds more volume to the subject matter. As well as adding more interest, by breaking up the monotony of the previous basic color theme.
I agree that it does punch it up a bit, but remember that green and purple are discordant. that is not a problem, but it makes it a more aggressive choice, which is fine if that is what you want.
the only thing worth mentioning though, is that you added the color but as it is supposed to represent the "rim" light it needs to be lighter at the extreme edges. Remember that light tends to white, even if the light is a color. It is additive.
I like the courageous choice though!
what's your next subject?
To correct you, the light is representing a reflective light and not a rim light, as I had stated in my blog. The suggestion taken was to add another colour but not to add a rim light. Natural rim lighting caused by backlighting results from a subject being lit from the back. The effect is usually emphasized because it results in the background appearing darker. Since the image is on a light coloured background, I felt it would look out of place.
Thank you for noticing the discordant colour scheme which is obviously intentional. And yes, although I do know that the usage of discordant colour schemes in it's typical and basic form is aggression. I used an off shoot of a purple with an intentionally more saturated purple/pink to give it more vibrancy. You would be correct if I had used a darker tone of purple.
The next subject is undetermined. I will probably follow up with a few sketches before I decide. Hopefully I'll receive inspiration from that.
OK. OK. Don't get so touchy!
But, if it is just reflected light. Think about wether a shiny wet object like the eye would reflect that light differently?
Keep it up.
And, since you are in the reptile mood, why not do a politician next? (btw, I know a frog is not technically a reptile, before you correct me!)
Oh. Yeah and I forgot to mention that even reflected light is additive, just less intense.
It is really the slight lack in (wait for it...) Contrast from the core shadow to the reflected light that is loosing it some volume.
it is probably just my extreme need for contrast that is coloring my comments.
I guess we all have differing contrastual needs ;-)
hahahahah you guys are the best, miss the Dawson days! lol
nice job JHO!
You advertise your blog yet nothing has changed since I last came to visit. This frog is starting to grow on me...
Being the person that encouraged to start this blog, I feel responsible for hounding you into adding more work to it. Hound Hooouuuuund!
But seriously, dude, lay off playing Street Fighter and put up some new work...
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