Monday, December 14, 2009

A Hard Days Night

ToyCamera/PhotoForge on iPhone
click on thumbnail to view larger image

TiltShiftGen/PhotoForge on iPhone
click on thumbnail to view larger image

TiltShiftGen/PhotoForge on iPhone
click on thumbnail to view larger image

TiltShiftGen/PhotoForge on iPhone
click on thumbnail to view larger image

Here's a few more photos I've accumulated throughout the past 2 weeks, all shot and digitally manipulated using the iPhone 3GS and iPhone apps. I'm noticing that the iPhone's preview image is quite off compared to when viewed on a computer monitor. Contrast and saturation levels are the main issues. This resulted in a bit of back and forth, manipulating the images using the PhotoForge app to get the desired look.

1 comment:

Anthony Vrakotas said...

These images are really nice. Just loose the keyboard. It looks like something out of a stock photo CD.

Its nice to see that the iphone is a good medium for you.